Our Goal:
to reach as many youth and young adults as possible, and empower them with meaningful connections and role models, financial assistance, and a community of support to help guide them through life challenges and decisions. To do this we will stay grounded in our value statement:
To act with compassion to meet the needs of our members and recipients by always treating them with respect, meeting them where they are, listening to their needs and following through on our commitments.
Our Inspiration: βAnd you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: Your shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these.β (Mark 12:30-31)
Why Fostering Success?
Think about your 18-year-old self and how much guidance and support you needed as you embarked on your future as an adult. Now imagine having to find employment, secure a place to live, manage a budget, buy a car and insurance, and take care of your personal well-being without any advice from a positive role model or caring adult.
Unfortunately, this is the reality of the youth and young adults we are aiming to serve. They have grown up in group homes or shelters, temporary housing, or different foster homes which did not provide them the opportunity to build meaningful and lasting relationships or think about the possibilities for their future. Their current experiences and lack of permanency often leads to ongoing trust, attachment, and mental health issues, as well as self-sabotaging behaviors, poor decision making, and a lack of life skills necessary to achieve a successful transition to adulthood. Most of these youth are thrust out into the world without a sense of security or belonging and many end up homeless or incarcerated. Fostering Success is aiming to create a cohesive network of support for these individuals and help them discover their full potential, purpose and well-being.