Saturday, April 19, 2025
We are excited to launch this event in 2025 to support our mission to help teens and young adults who are navigating life challenges, facing crises, or transitioning out of the foster care system. By participating in our 5K, you are stepping up to make a tangible difference, helping expand our mentorship programs and reach more young people in need of support.
Providing a community for teens in foster care and other challenging situations
Fostering Success provides mentorships and financial assistance to teens and young adults as they experience the foster care system and other life challenges throughout their transition into adulthood.
Stay connected with Fostering Success!
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Read the November 2024 edition here.
Refer a teen for our mentor program:
Do you know a teen or young adult that could benefit from our mentoring program? Use the form below to refer someone to Fostering Success!
What We Do:
Our mentoring team works to provide guidance to teens as they transition into adulthood.
Do you have the ability to offer insight and guidance to a younger individual as they plan for their future? Can you help someone with goal-setting, networking, finding employment, finding housing, etc.? Consider applying to be a mentor today!
We host group and team events to help teens build a network of support. Our goal is to ensure that these young adults know that they are not alone.
Our mentoring program is one way that we build connections between individuals and a sense of community. But we also host additional events outside of our mentoring program, such as holiday parties, to bring people together.
Foster Care Statistics
There are currently 18,359 children in DCFS Custody in Illinois.
(as of December 31, 2024)
7,464 of those children are in foster care.
For more information on Illinois Foster Care statistics, click here.
On any given day, there are over 400,000 children living in foster care in the United States.
More than 20,000 young adults age out of the foster care system every year.
Research has found that people who aged out of the foster care system were less likely to graduate from high school and more likely to experience homelessness than their peers.
To read one of these studies done by the University of Chicago in 2011, click here.

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”
Eleanor Roosevelt